Air Source Heat Pumps
Our installer: Boucher Energy
Boucher Energy Systems, Inc. was established in 1981. We are a local company with strong ties to the communities of Mendon and Upton. Many members of the Boucher Energy team grew up here, went to school here and have chosen to raise their families here. Our goal is to utilize world class products while designing the most comfortable and energy efficient heating and air conditioning systems possible. We have designed and installed systems for houses ranging from 1,000 to 20,000+ square feet — for homes dating from the 18th century to the most modern, super colonials.
Want to learn more or request a quote?
Visit Boucher's website, or contact them via email or phone. (508)473-6648
About Air Source Heat Pumps
Heat pumps can provide cost-effective and energy-efficient heating, cooling and water heating for homes and businesses. While traditional heating systems burn fuel to create heat, a heat pump instead works by moving heat into or out of a building. Though they require electricity to operate, efficient heat pumps can provide the same amount of heating for a third of the electricity needed to power traditional electric heating. (From Mass CEC)
How It Works
A video about Mitsubishi Air Source Heat Pumps
SVZ Ducted Air Handler
A video about ducted Air Source Heat Pump systems.
Mitsubishi air source heat pumps
Mitsubishi air source heat pumps provide year-round comfort and are up to 40% more efficient than traditional systems. Whether you have a single room, renovating your entire house, or you’re building a home, Mitsubishi Electric has a Zoned Comfort Solution® that fits your needs. Your home can now be more comfortable than ever with no ductwork or window needed. Mitsubishi units are the perfect solution for those places and zones within your home that are never the right temperature.
Want to learn more about Mistubishi Air Source Heat Pumps? Visit the Boucher Energy website, or download this Mitsubishi brochure.