About Mendon-Upton Solarize Mass Plus
This program officially ended June 15, 2021, but volunteers are still happy to answer questions.
Clean Energy Options for Mendon and Upton Homes and Businesses
Mendon-Upton Solarize Mass Plus will offer residents and small businesses education and information on solar photovoltaics (PV), battery storage for solar PV, solar thermal hot water, air source heat pumps, ground source heat pumps and electric vehicles.
Affordable Green Energy Options
The goal of Solarize Mass Plus (SMP) is to provide the opportunity for local consumers to buy the green technologies with competitive pricing from reliable and competitively selected vendors. Learn more about financial incentives, such as federal and state rebates and tax credits, and competitive loans.
We'll be working with carefully selected installers to provide technologies and installation services that are a good fit for Mendon and Upton.
Education and Information
We'll be sharing materials and information on this site about the green energy programs offered through the program, about our installers, and about financial incentives.
Mendon Upton Solarize Plus Volunteers
The Mendon and Upton volunteers who previously organized the Solarize Mass programs in Upton in 2016 and Mendon in 2012, teamed up to apply to the expanded Solarize Mass Plus 2020 program.
The program will offer residents and small businesses education and information on solar photovoltaics (PV), battery storage for solar PV, solar thermal hot water, air source heat pumps, ground source heat pumps and electric vehicles. The goal of Solarize Mass Plus (SMP) is to provide the opportunity for local consumers to buy the green technologies with competitive pricing from reliable and competitively selected vendors.
Carolyn Barthel
Mendon Solar Coach
As a Mendon resident for 31 years and the Solar Coach for the Solarize program in Mendon in 2012, Carolyn is again delighted to be the Solar Coach for the 2020 Solarize Plus program! Since the 2012 program, she's been deeply engaged in sustainability efforts as a climate activist with 350 Massachusetts. To personally support that effort, she has installed solar panels on her property, bought an electric vehicle (which she loves!) and installed battery storage (to deal with power outages). She looks forward to working with townspeople to help them accomplish similar goals for their homes and small businesses.
Robert Jordan
Upton Solar Coach
Robert is a remodeling contractor and a resident of Upton for 20 years. He recently completed the renovation of a duplex using strategies to make it energy efficient. The biggest take away is how much more comfortable an energy efficient home is.
Anne Mazar
Mendon Municipal Representative
Anne has enjoyed living in Mendon for 33 years with her family. She is Chair of the Mendon Land Use Committee and the Mendon Community Preservation Committee, and is a member of the Mendon Economic Development Committee. She participated in the 2012 Solarize Mass program and has been involved with numerous land preservation, renewable energy and other environmental projects over the years.
Bill Taylor
Upton Municipal Representative
Bill has lived in Upton for 25 years. He is a member of the Green Community, Open Space and Land Stewardship Committees, the Board of Library Trustees, and the Board of Assessors. He participated in Upton’s 2016 Solarize Mass program as the Municipal Representative and he and his wife had a solar PV system installed on their home through the program. They are excited by the opportunity that the Mendon-Upton Solarize Mass Plus program gives them to learn more about and, if possible, install other clean-energy technologies.
Lea Botta
An Avid organic gardener, wildlife and environmental enthusiast. Lea’s full time job is being a musician and program development director for a Music Academy. Part of her job is promoting music thru social media. She uses these skills to help promote environmental awareness on the Facebook page, Mendon Green Alliance and by volunteering for the Land management committee.
Alejna Brugos
Alejna has been living in Mendon for over 20 years, and has put down roots here. She has been enjoying the benefits of solar panels since 2016, and of back-up batteries since 2019.
Peggy Veal
Peggy has been a Mendon resident for nearly 30 years. To reduce her household's carbon footprint, she has installed solar panels, a battery backup system, and, for a downstairs master suite, a geothermal well with a heat pump that provides both heat and air conditioning. With the three systems, they have reduced their carbon footprint significantly and not paid an electric bill since the panels were installed.
Want to join us? We'd love to talk to you!